Dani Lynch, hailing from Austin, Texas, received her first $5 disposable camera at the age of 12. Photography began as a language to express her internalized feelings, that has blossomed over the years into a life mission to unearth deeper feelings and inspire people to remember and reconnect to their roots as spiritual beings. Dani migrated to Santa Barbara, California in 2005 enrolling in the prestigious Brooks Institute of Photography. Upon graduation, her career path began in Hollywood, California working for the periodicals Vogue and GQ as well as assisting celebrity photographer Peggy Sirota, though her true passion has always been the photo journalistic philanthropy work with environmental activist organizations, social issues and her personal art.
Artist Statement
My work is meant to feel authentic and raw, revealing the pure essence of our wild and free form, conjuring a visceral visual connection between body and nature. It's purpose is to evoke recognition of the mysterious forces within each of us, allowing us to stop for a moment and feel that undeniable connection to Mother Nature, which gently reminds us to come back to what we know to be true. My intention is to witness and capture the variegated feelings of my subjects and portray them to an audience in such a way that fosters a consciousness of our unity as humans, who all experience the full spectrum of emotions and feelings living in this world. - Dani Lynch